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- The RinGs and ReBUILD…
The RinGs and ReBUILD story: Stimulating research on gender and the health workforce and financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings
This brief describes how RinGs worked with the ReBUILD Research Programme Consortium to stimulate and embed gendered research within the partnership. It includes detail on how the collaboration fostered new ways of knowing and framing problems in health systems research. How it provided channels of capacity development on gender and intersectionality analysis. How it influenced policy and supported the communication of research.
Throughout its lifetime RinGs has supported ReBUILD researchers through the creation of tools and other capacity building interventions which has increased their confidence in conducting gender analysis. This led to a gender analysis being included in research where it may not otherwise have been and strengthened ability to perform this work.
The ReBUILD team have taken learning from the work that they have conducted as part of RinGs and actively used it to influence health systems policy.
ReBUILD’s specific work exploring the opportunities and challenges for building gender responsive health systems in settings affected by conflict and crisis has been brought together as a specific online resource – Building Back Better. This e-resource includes a series of policy briefs, both addressing general issues of how health sector reform after conflict can support gender equity, and how humanitarian responses to health can adequately take gender into account, as well as a growing series of country case studies, including from Cambodia, Nepal, Timor Leste, Sierra Leone, Mozambique and Northern Uganda.
“I am impressed in the support and visibility work of RinGs and the tools they have developed to introduce these tools to other researchers to embed it and move beyond being gender blind. They supported me over time…when I engaged with RinGs it changed my conception they worked collaboratively and provided support and mentorship and gave support and opportunities.” Sreytouch Vong, Cambodia
By Kate Hawkins, Sally Theobald, Nick Hooton, Sreytouch Vong and Rosemary Morgan